Let's ‘slip the surly bonds’ of academic prose! Writing for a 'broader audience'

Open book with flying letters in a library setting

Image by Nazlykhan

An interactive hybrid workshop for colleagues interested in writing for a ‘broader audience’ – whatever that means! – and other forms of science communication. This draws on my extensive experience in this area (including written media contributions, broadcast writing, podcasts, and books) and focuses on the work of producing something that is accessible, enjoyable to read, and still academically respectable. This entertaining (hopefully!) session could be of interest to colleagues of all career stages – anyone who is interested in writing, and in communicating their research.

Bio: Philip Roscoe is Professor of Management at the University of St Andrews. His research takes a sociological approach to markets: he has researched and written on financial markets, online dating, Santa’s Lapland hideaway, and many other topics. He has published in leading sociology and management journals and is Co-Editor in Chief of Journal of Cultural Economy.

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 8612 1273
Password: 956924

This event is originally published on the School of Sociology website.

Date and Times


Room 4.69, RSSS Building

